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[Notice] 2019 RIKs Academy Announcement

Hosted by the Research Institute of Korean Studies at Korea University
Sponsored by the Pony Chung Foundation
The 4th RIKS Academy
for Young Korean Studies Scholars

  Over the past generation, there has been much progress qualitative and quantitatively an increasing number of researchers in Korean Studies overseas and domestically. The depth of our diversity is thanks to the diverse numbers of countries, cultures, academic environment from which our researchers come from. Unfortunately young researchers do not have many opportunities to share their findings and increase their expertise.
  In response, Korea University’s Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS) worked to receive the support of the Pony Chung Foundation for the creation of such a platform in 2016, called RIKS Academy. Since its founding in 1957, RIKS, a leader in the field of Korean Studies, has done its best to fulfill the long-term mission of enabling vibrant interactions between young researchers and broaden the reach of Korean Studies. The title of the third RIKS Academy, to be held this year, is Expanding Horizons of Korean Studies. In response to the ever ?changing nature of Korean Studies and Korean society, the scope of the seminars have expanded to include religion, journals, cultural heritage, and ideals, among others.
  The following two events aim to deepen the participants expertise and broaden the interwoven networking between Young Korean studies scholars: (1) Korean studies seminars from leading scholars (2) Young Korean studies scholar presentations on research topics and discussion. We at RIKS would like to encourage all participants’ research and cooperation, and look forward to hearing from you.


○ Dates : Monday, August 5 Friday, August 9, 2018 (for the duration of five days)
○ Main Programs :
① Intensive seminars run by leading scholars ② Research Symposium ③ Fieldwork
○ Location : Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS), Korea University
○ Host : Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS), Korea University
○ Sponsor : Pony Chung Foundation

○ Eligibility Criteria :
- Graduate students from overseas or domestic Korean Studies programs
- Currently taking classes conducted in Korean, and can participate in discussions and presentations in Korean (intensive courses, research symposium, (must be able to do all of the aforementioned)

○ Award Information :
- Amount awarded : overseas/domestic participants KRW 1 million
- Overseas participants are eligible for travel grants (United States/Europe: up to KRW 1 million, Asia within: upto KRW 500,000)
- Reception Dinner (8/5), Fieldwork Lunch (8/7), Farewell Luncheon (8/9) are provided
(Housing arrangements can be introduced per request)

○ Number of Participants : 16-20 persons (domestic students 8 - 10, overseas students 8 - 10 persons)

○ Application Instructions :
- Completed online application (personal information, presentation title, and abstract)

○ Application Deadline : May 31, 2019 (KST. All deadlines are strictly enforced)\

For more detailed information, please refer to the attached .pdf file.